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Message  Anthony Jeu 23 Sep - 14:22

Dear RIVAL family,

Anthony’s writing, former singer of RIVAL. Long time no read or hear but we told you that we will keep you posted about our projects on this platform so I take the opportunity for a little personal message:

as I already wrote some months ago, I’ve been working for a long time at the studios on the demos of my very personal solo project and now I can announce that I finally finished the guitar recording sessions for a bit more than 20 songs. Soon I will start with the vocal sessions and parallel to the vocal sessions I will also start recording some drums, bass and piano and other gimmicks for some tracks, although most tracks will be acoustic versions. I still cannot announce the name of my project because I waver back and forth between two names but as soon as I’ll come to a decision and some of the demos can be listened, I will make a little Myspace-Site with bio, pics, vids, studio diary, etc. and let you know asap. Maybe some of you will like my sound but choose yourself whether you like it or not when you’ve heard something. In any case I’ll be grateful for every support and statements. This project means a lot to me and I’m really looking forward to the day when I can present you the first finished songs.

So take care everybody, til soon and thanks for taking time reading this!

Rock on,


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