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Sad News :-(

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Sad News :-( Empty Sad News :-(

Message  riVaL Mer 31 Mar - 17:26


long time no hear – we know – but unfortunately we have to announce some sad news: we weren’t able to avoid the split of our lovely band due to the fact that we all got time issues and couldn’t combine our day-2-day duties with our biggest passion, the band. We feel very sad about this decision, especially for those of you who have supported us and believed in our music from the very beginning. It was our pleasure to meet most of you out there at our shows and to receive the energy you gave us – that was a fantastic experience for us which we will never forget. Thanks a lot guys, you made our days!

But we will not all just disappear cuz Ollie and Bernd are still busy on the road with their Reggae-Pop-Band “RasDashan”, Technique’s third mixtape "Beataktiks Vol.III" is out now and he’s touring with the “Crushboy DJ Team” and Anthony will probably return after his recovery with his solo project at the end of this year. He will let ya'll know here via Myspace when the time has come.

Our Myspace site won’t be deleted yet so you still can contact or just write us if you want – we’ll try to answer asap, promised! And we still have a small amount of CDs and shirts so if you’re interested in purchasing some of these rare RIVAL items at really low prices then please let us know quickly via Myspace.

Sorry for the sad news but we guess this was the only solution which made sense for us. Thank ya’ll soooo much – you know who you are!!!

Thanks again to the extraordinary RIVAL FAMILY,
rock on,
Ollie, Bird, Mäx, Bernd, Technique, Anthony


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