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[Rock One n°51 ]

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[Rock One n°51 ] Empty [Rock One n°51 ]

Message  Julie Ven 30 Jan - 21:43

Le nouveau Rock One parle de rival lors du concert du 20 décembre .

Rival Baby
Rival Baby

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2008
Age : 31
Localisation : ajaccio - Corse

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[Rock One n°51 ] Empty Re: [Rock One n°51 ]

Message  Sasha Sam 31 Jan - 0:38

Merci pour l'info ! Si jamais tu as achète le rock one, pourrais-tu faire un scan s'il te plait parce que je pense que je serais en allemagne quand il sortira ! (comme sa je pourrais le lire ^^) Il sort quand j'arrive pas a voir la date de parution x) ! En tout cas c'est cool qu'il parle encore d'eux dedant =D

Messages : 152
Date d'inscription : 24/11/2008
Age : 35
Localisation : Neufahrn (München) Bayern


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[Rock One n°51 ] Empty GR8 NEWS!!!

Message  riVaL Sam 31 Jan - 3:25


gr8 NEWS...AMAZING!!! yeah, with your help one day we make it on the cover :-)!!! maybe you can make a screen-shot of the article and put it in here or send it to us via myspace, etc. ! we'd love to see and read it. thx!

we got some more news: recordings are finished!!! we are very happy that it's done and we are pleased with the results of the recordings. at the end of FEB we hit an other studio to have the tracks mixed and mastered and then you'll get to hear them by the middle of march. we are so excited how it's gonna sound and what you will say!!!

thx 4 everything and til soon,


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[Rock One n°51 ] Empty Re: [Rock One n°51 ]

Message  Julie Sam 31 Jan - 15:15

we are very happy to know that the records are finished ! we are so excited to listen to the new songs ! thanks for all Razz
Rival Baby
Rival Baby

Messages : 33
Date d'inscription : 23/12/2008
Age : 31
Localisation : ajaccio - Corse

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[Rock One n°51 ] Empty Re: [Rock One n°51 ]

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